Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fixing SRS

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Posted by: backwoodzrm Location: norwich on May 13, 2009 at 09:12 PM
I had my kids taken for me and finally got them back 6 months after we met the guideline. they also told my exwife now that we needed a a divore to get them back the srs system is in need of serious help there in it for the money and NOT the kids. . .they only get money if the kids are in foster care!!! so they KEEP THEM THERE!!!! that is wrong

Posted by: Concerned Location: Wichita on May 13, 2009 at 09:11 PM
Where is the parents responsibility in all of this? If parents were parenting correclty and not placing their children in dangerous or neglectful situations then SRS wouldn't have to intervene. No parent is perfect and parents make mistakes however parents need to take responsibility for their children because the children are the innocent ones! Again before you start blaming the courts, law enforcement and Child Protective Services maybe you should look where the problem started!

Posted by: Beth Location: Wichita on May 13, 2009 at 08:59 PM
I know someone who was put in jail and while there, the court system took away their rights and didn't even tell them, had the child adopted out to the foster parents. This same person never had the child living with them to " put the child in danger". They didn't even know the kid was theirs because the mother had slept with several other men. In return when SRS tried to determine the father, they then put him in jail at the first oppertunity. He still has problems over this, he learned to love the child that he was only allowed to see for supervised visits at Youthville.

Posted by: Pam Location: Wichita on May 13, 2009 at 08:50 PM
My kids are in the system and they say they want to help but they are not. My husband and i have done everything they have asked and still nothing.My oldest is bi-polar and autistic and has cried wolf so much that they beleive her

Posted by: Lani on May 13, 2009 at 08:46 PM
SRS is all messed up! I know of a case right now where they took a ladys kids A WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS 2007. Allegations were found to be UNSUBSTANTIATED in January 2008. She still hasn't gotten her kids back yet. So to you SRS workers who claim "SRS does not pride themselves on removing kids" give me a good explaination for that! How about the fact that the person who molested my 10 yr old (she was 5 at the time) causing my kids to be removed is still walking around, never been charged, and SRS is trying to FORCE ME TO ALLOW HIM VISITATION WITH MY NOW 5 yr old. SRS workers, can you really justify that?!!!

Posted by: Grampa Location: california on May 13, 2009 at 08:33 PM
D.H.S. is and has been operating under the colar of law in the lower courts for years! It is the F.B.I.'s job to keep courts in comcliance with civil rights that you are intitaled to! call them!

Posted by: Concerened Mother Location: Greenwood Co. on May 13, 2009 at 07:25 PM
Dear srs victim, my girls do the same thing, throwing fits and telling the foster parents they don't have to listen to them because they are not their mom, and TFI blames us for their confusion. It is just wrong, why are we doing all this therapy for? My daughter is 5 yrs old and wetting the bed and her pants at the foster home but it's my fault they act this way!? What is wrong with this picture?

Posted by: Concerned Mother Location: Greenwood Co. on May 13, 2009 at 07:15 PM
I have spoke to our representatives and senators, they all tell me that their hands are tied and that we shouldn't fight them just do what they say. I'm sorry but I did everything and I'm still fighting even though they want to take my parental rights just because they think my house is not safe yet in court they testified that they were only in my house once and said from what they saw it was a safe home but will not let my children come home. My parents have not seen my girls in 15 months. They wont even let family take the kids.


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